Color Wrapz
Wrap Kingz at Movin Ads specializes in color-change wraps that will transform your vehicle into a true work of art. Our innovative custom vinyl wraps offer numerous benefits, providing an exceptional alternative to traditional repainting methods. Here are the different wraps we offer.

Vanity Wrapz
Luxury Wrapz

Vanity wraps are a great option for keeping the wrap within a budget. For this wrap, we do not remove door handles. This creates a small seam around the recess behind the handle.
Vanity wraps are certainly a quality product that accomplishes the goal of completely changing the look of the color of the vehicle.
Luxury wraps are much more intensive. We do remove door handles and things like bumpers to ensure the wrap is as seamless as possible, which creates more of a "paint" like look even up close.
This is a great option for someone who brings their vehicle to car shows or someone who is looking for a wrap that is seamless. Because the labor is more intensive, luxury wraps are more expensive than vanity wraps.
Vanity Wraps

Luxury Wrapz